The keycube family is expanding! Introducing the baby keycube (bbk3), a compact version of the original, featuring just one key per face. But it’s not just one device — it’s a pair of twins! These two units magnetically snap together to form a single, versatile controller.

A photograph of two baby keycubes

The first functional prototypes were developed by Adrien Cartelot as part of an academic project (autumn 2023). Since then, the 3D models have been refined and simplified using OpenSCAD, a free and open-source programmer-oriented solid-modeling software. Before reaching this stage, early cardboard prototypes and design iterations were made a couple of years ago.

A photograph of two cardboard prototypes

Finally, structure and keycaps were entirely 3D-printed (with resin).

A close-up photograph of the 3D printed keycaps

… and a thin layer of clear paint was applied to any surface meant to be touched, ensuring a smoother tactile experience.

A photograph of parts of the baby keycube being painted

For more technical details about the baby keycube — including 3D model files, sizes and a list of hardware components — visit the dedicated GitHub repository.